Travel Sickness?

Few more Boracay posts, luxurious Bellaroca experience, and a dozen of out of town getaways are pilling up on my external hard drive to be posted on this blog site. Plus, the Ayala Triangle project, Chef Hasset Go's recipes, and omellette series are waiting to be posted on my food website, The Cuisineuer. Geez, I can't breath just by thinking of these enormous pending tasks.

I've been away because I was sick. I been sick for a week now, I acquired flu somewhere and I hesitated to take any medication.  I was thought to let it pass, besides,  the pain was tolerable. But I've decided to take herbal medicines when my fever continued for 2 days and now I'm well. 

Reinventing Great Invention

Heavy rainfall that caused metro wide flood ruined my idea of a perfect weekend. My plan to watch the showing of Batman's The Dark Knight Rises with my longtime "apple of my eye" has been cancelled. Instead, while listening to the rain falling on my unit's tin roof, I found myself engaged on a deep thought, entertaining answers to  the question: What is your greatest invention?

While some of us was destined to move the world with their inventions, there are no greatest invention for the rest of us but ourselves. Our thoughts and desires invent who we are and perhaps the greatest invention we have had.

At this point of my life where I found myself living in a stagnant but world of great achievements, what else could be a greatest invention? An iPhone apps, time travel device, cure to cancer and aids? Oh yes, how about something realistic?

Up skill. This is something realistic and doable. I am weighing the possibilities of reinventing myself by enrolling to an intensive MBA course rather that pursuing my original plan to enroll in French Classes. If I could pave away the financial challenge, I am eyeing to do both. My timeline would be at least three years. For the first year, I got to secure financial stability and enroll to gmat tutoring to prepare for the great self reinvention. I got to prove to myself that I could do it. So who's with me?