Water Plus Lu

Held at Lu Restaurant in Rockwell, last Friday, I accompanied my cousin and fellow blogger Peachy to attend the launching of Water Plus' new print ad campaign. The new Water Plus billboard print ad feature the physically fit and glamorous VJ Andi Manzano.

What’s good about  WaterPlus is its near water formulation.  Like water, it is light and refreshing, no heavy flavors, just a hint of your favorite fruits. Choose from either grape, apple, or lemon & berries WaterPlus Reduce variant. Unlike other weight loss drinks, it has zero sugar and zero calories which enables you to burn more fats without  adding extra pounds .

I liked that they paired the Water Plus with the great food from Lu's menu. Kinda wine pairing.

The Tease - Courgette flower crisp with roasted bacon & basil broth paired with WaterPlus Apple flavor.

The Green Mind - Caramilized grilled pork and rice noodle salad paired with WaterPlus Grape Flavor.

The Nice Catch - Sweet & Sour tamarind prawns green mango fried rice paired with WaterPlus Lemon and Berries flavor.

The Happy Ending - Pandan Bukayo & spicy ginger ice cream.