Travelling | Renewing my Inspiration

Dear Utopians,

Here comes a time when I felt low and poignant with what's happening in my routinely everyday life. This is just another circumstance when I feel hopeless, unloved, and yes, broke. This kind of mood doesn’t surprise me anymore as this happens almost every year for the past 5 years.  Like any other normal individual, I reflect and tried to decipher possible reasons of my misery.  Maybe, I live a life I never wanted or perhaps, disappointed with my achievements from last year, worst, envious about somebody else’s lives. Whatever it is, I know what to do…

Travel!  A short break from work and retreat will definitely renovate my inner soul’s energy. I learned that, it is best to identify contentment and happiness beyond the reasons of the universe when I spend time alone. Away from here, where the only noise is the sound of waves on the shore and the only distraction is the whirling sea breeze on my face. 

Travelers, I’ll be on vacation to renew my inspiration. When I come back, I hope to organize things out and prioritize what’s important. One of which is to fix up and keep this blog updated. Interesting travel tales and adventures have been lined-up and waiting to be written and told. Hop in and come away with me as I continue to search for my own Utopia, a place of ideal perfection.

Best Regards,
