US - Canada Word War

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I found this document shared by someone

Just when i thought  that USA and Canada were strong allies 

On the verge of financial collapse

And political turmoil...

Banapple's Best Birthday Cake: Blueberry Chessecake

The secret of staying young

is to live honestly,

eat slowly,

........and lie about your age.

Like when you thought that this cake is just beautiful

And it doesn't taste good.

What I tasted was otherwise.


The cake was undecorated with candles

Nor adorned with pink sugar flowers.

So we put on some M & M's

to celebrate Nathalie's 30th year milestone

like the way she wanted.

Php 950  ( $ 21.94 )

Among the birthday foods

Birthday cake is another reason

why I love celebrating birthdays

because birthday cake 

is the only food you can blow on (lol)

everybody rushes to get a piece.


your birthday

is the day the earth was graced with your presence!

Happy Burfffday!

“Time and Tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty. “ -Robert Frost