The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf - Saying hello to the world-class coffees

Saying hello to the world-class coffees after celebrating sissy's birthday at Il Pirata in Eastwood City (will be featured next) is a must after a heavy, unsatisfied, disappointing but expensive meal. We went to Trinoma branch but to have a dose of it forgetting our original plan to watch Karate Kid. What happened was,  we arrived at 7 pm but the next feature will be at 10 pm. Its a long gap. My disappointment leads to suggest to Trinoma's Cinema to have an online ticket available during this difficult times (difficult times? ha ha ha!). No, kidding aside, the world is changing and they should match our demands in the most accessible ways. huh!

With bloated stomachs and  peachy's obssession with coffee, we went down to 2nd floor to get some coffee or tea at Coffee Bean. We ended up, getting more food because Peachy was unsatisfied (aside from the fact that she is sooo generous that day) with what we had....

we had 2 regular ultimate Mocha (Php 310.00), 1 regular iced white chocolate dream (Php 130.00) 1 regular pure double chocolate (Php 135.00)

chilled spice chicken pasta (Php 169.00)

1 pn roast beef sandwich (Php 269.00)

A slice of blueberry cheesecake (Php 135.00)

plus, 12 % VAT, total is Php 1,148.00

Coffee is often consumed alongside (or instead of) breakfast by many at home. It is also often served after a meal, often with an after-dinner mint, in a restaurant or dinner party. Coffee,  As one of the most popular beverages on the planet with wide variety of Finest offerings of coffee and eats, is certainly at The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf - Trinoma

Staying up at the cozy, comfortable couch, sharing gossips and laughters while ykai is making "pabibo" at the nearby table, havin good times is S-a-t-i-s-f-a-c-t-i-o-n.

Nothing would satisfy me today but the existence and love of this kiddo! Happy birtdey ykai!! oooopppssss nanay anney pala! ha ha ha!!!!