Legal Highs in Batis Aramin Adventure Camp

Batis Aramin resort and Hotel offers not just a relaxing vacation but also of an action packed getaway. The resort have bike trail, 50 feet repelling descend, 150 meter zip line, and a 50 feet wall climbing tower at an open field area at back of the hotel. At the rate of Php 150.00 or Php 250 (unlimited trip) per person, the camp offers a unique experience for anyone interested in vertigo inducing experiences and extreme fun. 

Rome, his cousins, and CIL registered and signed a waiver at the front office before proceeding at the camp site. It's his first time to experience these kind of activities and he tought of backing out when he saw the tower. Without any sign of hesitation, his cousins in full army attire and trainers seemed very much ready for the extreme activities though. Quietly, he mumbled his last prayer and decided to try everything once. 

He was strapped into a safety harness and suspended from the wire which spands 150 meters in length from the tower. The 5-10 seconds route was short but the experience of seeing his death was horrifying. With the help of trained crew he had a smooth landing realizing a whole new perspective in life - it is about reaching for the sky, taking opportunities and embracing challenges. He conquered his fears and took the risks that people take to be successful in an ever-changing world. It was indeed an enjoyable ride!

He had another zip line ride before trying rapell. It was not an actual rappeling because they did not control their own descent. They were pulled-up and lowered by the crew. If that would be an actual rapell, no one from their group could reach the top of the tower considering that all of them are overweight, lol! Rome was a little bit scared knowing that it was controlled manually so he chose to rappel face up. 


Their last activity was an in-contrast wall climbing. It was controlled with secured ropes. Although the height was quite low for the pro, it's much safer introduction to the sport for the first timers like them.  Anney and Peachy had hard time going further up the wall and eventually gave up after few tries but Rome managed to touch the top. The experience gave him an overwhelming feeling of exposure as it brought him full understanding of safety measures and risk assessement. 

That the long and short of life is like travelling up. It is a process that requires us to pull ourselves together to constantly make the move upward.

That there are moment of doubts and fears...and you need to pause for sometime until you recover your strength.

That climbing-up is defying gravity and requires a serious commitment and strong focus.

That you have to keep on going no matter what.

That climbing downwards is not something that you usually do when.... travel upwards.