Braving the big waves on the beach was fulfilling!
Somehow, it defines freedom.
Yes, I been on a holiday for three days and I missed y'all.
I tried surfing in Baler, Aurora.
My surfing experience was super cool! I'll post it on my travel website.
Much cooler were the affordable and fresh foods!
My perfect getaway in a breezy, laid-back beach was perfect with charcoal grilled pork belly.
That was our lunch while surfing in Baler's big waves.
Although I think gourmet food is much better, grilled foods are easiest to do on the beach.
Well, I think I need to level up.
Im planning to make gourmet food for y'all.
Wait until I got my kitchenaid food processor parts.
1 1/2 kilograms pork belly (liempo) with skin on, cut into 1/2-inch thick pieces
1 head garlic, minced or crushed
3 tablespoon cracked black peppercorns
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup calamansi extract
Marinate pork belly in a bowl with the mixture of all of the above remaining ingredients for at least 1 hour.
Roast both sides over medium heat charcoal, brush with marinade from time to time. until skin is crisp and crackling.
Chop into bite-size pieces. Serve with hot steamed rice and cucumber salad.
This dish is usually served with a dipping sauce of vinegar with a bit of crushed garlic, onion and/or hot pepper mixed in.